Il giorno lun, 05/03/2007 alle 10.51 -0500, James Tremblay ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> I read the last 89 entries at one sitting and I have formulated an opinion 
> that I have sort of posted b4.
> I think a radicle change to release theory should be entertained.
> I think that since 10.2 was a December release we had the opportunity to 
> change to an annual release cycle. 

I think an annual release cycle is too long. Linux and related
applications change fast and a long release cycle risks to make users

If the release cycle is made longer, the release of updated applications
through an official channel (not additional repositories or OBS) becomes
necessary. If not done, we risk to have an obsolete distribution soon.

In my opinion, if we want a stable distribution, the use of the build
service or of additional repository should be considered an occasional
event for the common user, to get only what is not / can't be provided
in the distribution. 


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