some time ago i asked about dropped packages policy [1],
coolo answered that "But lately "dropped" means often: moved from
Factory to some build service project.".
So yesterday I searched for one of the my favorite application: xmms
using webpin, in Factory only one result was: xfce4-panel-plugin-xmms,
iirc it requires xmms, but where is xmms?? OK in coolo's answer
there's the "often" word, but I don't understand why was it dropped. I
searched the bugzilla, no bugs shown regarding to xmms. Yes I know
what ppl are saying about xmms, but I like it and imho other people
likes it too.
What are saying ppl bad about xmms? some examples:
1. unmaintained. false: [2] [3]
2. it's buggy, as i said no xmms bugs in bugzilla
3. uses gtk 1. so? gtk1 is in Factory

btw I thought that "the mission" is to have more and more packages not
to drop packages
btw it's funny that the latest version of BitTorrent is  v5.0.9, but
Factory has 4.0.3

PS: I don't want to use audacious


[1] http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2007-07/msg00129.html
[2] http://cvs.xmms.org/cvsweb.cgi/xmms/
[3] http://www.xmms.org/next_version.php
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