Bryen pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 11:40 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
>> On 2008/01/19 10:05 (GMT-0600) Bryen apparently typed:
>>> 3.  When all is said and done, I log into my new system just fine with
>>> no problems.  However, when rebooting, the system goes to the second
>>> phase of Installer and says the last installation attempt had failed.
>>> I've found that if I ignore this, it will still boot into the system
>>> normally and I can log in there.  Subsequent reboots do not present this
>>> error again.  If I do not ignore the message and proceed to re-answer
>>> the questions (which strangely enough are already populated with my
>>> previous answers) then the error is repeated upon each reboot until I
>>> ignore the error.  Then it goes away.
>> Same here.

I concur with this bug as well.

Ken Schneider
SuSe since Version 5.2, June 1998
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