(Using Factory boot.iso dated 01/18/08)

1.  I noticed that during installation, pop-up dialog boxes requiring
user action show up in the upper left corner.   Took me a while to
notice it, as I kept clicking "Next" with no results.  Wouldn't it be
better to have this pop up in the center of the screen?

2.  During partition operations, I would go into fstab options.  When
done, it would not go back to the primary partition window.   I finally
realized I needed to alt+tab to get to that window to click done before
returning to the main installer window.

3.  When all is said and done, I log into my new system just fine with
no problems.  However, when rebooting, the system goes to the second
phase of Installer and says the last installation attempt had failed.
I've found that if I ignore this, it will still boot into the system
normally and I can log in there.  Subsequent reboots do not present this
error again.  If I do not ignore the message and proceed to re-answer
the questions (which strangely enough are already populated with my
previous answers) then the error is repeated upon each reboot until I
ignore the error.  Then it goes away.


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