On Saturday 19 January 2008 19:59:03 Felix Miata wrote:
> Isn't there somewhere in YaST2 to do this? In a fresh install last night, I
> don't see this anywhere in YaST2 Control Center. The reason I'm asking is
> what I see is a couple of gigantic boxes and giant text in the input box
> instead of any familiar visual style of KDM, no kind of menu inputs of any
> kind. It seems as though some generic DM is started instead of KDM.

Yes, you probably see XDM login screen which is readily explained by the fact 
that you've started with minimal installation ;-) 
If you want KDM back, please check that package 'kdebase3-kdm' is installed, 
and if it is the case, set DISPLAYMANAGER variable to 'kdm' 
in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager file. 
Unfortunately, we have no YaST tool to do this for you :(

   \\\\\              Katarina Machalkova    
  \\\\\\\__o          YaST developer
__\\\\\\\'/_          & hedgehog painter
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