
On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 09:44 +0100, Dominique Leuenberger wrote:
> Hi,
> so, my 'clean' installation of Alpha1 just succeeded... in average a good 
> experience, and I did not see all of the Most annoying bugs ;)
> On the other hand I have a 'much more annoying bug' than any on the list, but 
> first I'd like to see if somebody else has that too:
> - Firefox is not startable (*** Buffer overflow detected *** ) (Bugzilla 
> #354150); I'd say it could be mentioned on Most annoying?
> - Gnome Main Menu does not open; I can keep clicking on it. (Did not find a 
> bug entry for this one... somebody else sees it?)

I found an issue where if I clicked on something, it actually
double-clicked. If you click on your home directory on the desktop (one
click) will it open? If so, you have the same bug as I had. This was an
issue with my X setup.
Also, try to press Ctrl+ESC and see if the menu opens.

> Anyhow, I'll just try to upgrade to some later factory (especially for 
> firefox, as it's reported to be fixed there)
> Dominique


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