On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 22:38 -0700, Sankar P wrote:
> Disclaimer: Have not used openSUSE for the past two months (due to
> dayjob requirements) so my data may be obsolete/wrong (not verified)
> When the time is stored in UTC in the system (yast), we can change the
> timezone as a non-root user, otherwise we can't (or that is how I
> remember it). Windows does not store time in UTC and so in multi-boot
> machines, changing timezone is not possible, as a normal user.
> This is how I remember this. But I may be wrong and could not verify
> now. Just check once if time is stored in UTC in yast and then try to
> see if you can change the timezone.
> Sankar
> http://psankar.blogspot.com  

Attempting to follow your steps:

1.  Click on System Settings
2.  Click on YaST icon
3.  Administrator password dialog pops up.

Guess that didn't work.  :-)


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