
As I say in the first place, I first had to get away all my encounter
feelings to that network. I'm of the ones that think that maybe its
not as open as should be, with his privacy problems and stuff, but
like Bryen say:

"So, if you feel that in your region/market, Facebook works well, GO FOR IT!"

Thats exactly the reason why I chose FB for this, because here in my
country almost everybody its a heavy user of FB, and its the common
way to call for meetings, and just get together.

So, my intention its boost openSUSE and GoSVe taking advantage of the
platform, because the common use here its to enter on that net at
least 4 times per week, or at least that was the result of a quick
marketing survey that I did.


Thank you for your thoughts! :D

Cheers! :D

Alex Barrios
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