On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Alex Barrios <alexba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well...
> As I say in the first place, I first had to get away all my encounter
> feelings to that network. I'm of the ones that think that maybe its
> not as open as should be, with his privacy problems and stuff, but
> like Bryen say:
> "So, if you feel that in your region/market, Facebook works well, GO FOR IT!"
> Thats exactly the reason why I chose FB for this, because here in my
> country almost everybody its a heavy user of FB, and its the common
> way to call for meetings, and just get together.
> So, my intention its boost openSUSE and GoSVe taking advantage of the
> platform, because the common use here its to enter on that net at
> least 4 times per week, or at least that was the result of a quick
> marketing survey that I did.
> So, I GO FOR IT!
> Thank you for your thoughts! :D
> Cheers! :D
> --
> Alex Barrios
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We have a openSUSE group on facebook. I will send the link later, I am
one of the admin for it. But please, post to it, share from it. Let's
get the word out.

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