On Sunday 05 September 2010 05:12:30 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> On Saturday 04 September 2010 17:45:30 Koushik Kumar Nundy wrote:
> > Dear people,
> > 
> > I had once suggested that we add a widget to our sites/blogs, which
> > list recent tweets with the #openSUSE hashtag. However, as my
> > familiarity with the twitter API approaches zero, I couldn't implement
> > the suggestion. ...
> > Please point us to alternatives, if any, as I think a centrally
> > standardised widget visible in several places should be a good thing.
> > 
> > [1] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-hash-tag-widget/
> > [2] http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/tweet-blender
> > [3] http://bit.ly/kknundy
> I don't really know any alternatives myself, but it sounds like a good
> plan. 

We have Facebook group and there is Tweeter application. 
Although, I'm not sure how it works with group page.

> We can collect the widgets or links on our wiki:
> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Marketing_materials#.28Micro.29blogging
> Just add these links here, maybe with some explanation. See if something
> else comes up or if you can find something - and there might be good
> artwork too, on our git repository (of which I still have no idea where it
> is hehe).

One is here (after some browsing trough Wiki, found kernel git and this):

Find in browser (Ctrl-F) found this few: 

Further, we have some stuff in svn, berlios etc. like:

We suppose to have http://svn.opensuse.org , but it redirects to:

Which leads to empty page. 
Which leads to thoughts that next time someone links to wiki some important 
part of infrastructure, it should use announce list to tell that, or even 
better, before announcement, to come on the opensuse-wiki list and ask for 
opinion how to create title. 
BTW, IRC as chat is not documented anywhere, so no one that comes after can 
have idea what was done.

This one needs transfer and update, or it can be already transferred to some 
other article and updated.

From unrelated wiki article to Localization guide to 
http://developer.berlios.de/ and few related projects:

(What would we do without centralized place for our code and artwork, like 
this email post :-)

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