Jimmy et al,

(sorry to hear about your car, Jimmy!)

Interesting idea - I'm in two minds about this; on the one hand,
clearly we need to encourage women to use and participate in FOSS and
openSUSE specifically; on the other hand, 'tokenism'  (ie being
included just becuase of your gender) and being treated as a minority
group is something I find embarrassing. I want to be included because,
well, I'm cool and I know stuff and do a good job, you know. Gender is
pretty much irrelevant to me most of the time.

My experience so far of FOSS is one of unquestioning inclusiveness -
"Oh you're starting a LUG? Cool, how can we help? We're having a chat
on IRC, come join in...." Although someone on the marketing channel
the other day mentioned some women even receiving threats for
intruding on the 'boy's club'. So that was a surprise to me, and I was
sorry to hear it.

Having said all that, given that it is a very male-dominated
community, it's probably a good idea to have an avenue where women's
concerns can be aired and we can talk about specific ways to appeal to
women and to facilitate their involvement. I think Izabel Valverde
might have something to say about this too, I hope, we had a brief
chat the other day.

I think this ties in with the current interest in identifying our
users and community. (I feel these two groups are distinct: users can
become community....)

I'd certainly be willing to be involved.


On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Jimmy Pierre
<jimmypierre.rouen.fra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> My report on SFD 2010 will be delayed because my car was vandalized last 
> night. However, while waiting for the paperwork, I had this idea:
> Women in Free and Open Source
> Most distribution have a women group. How about an openSUSE women group? 
> Hence, women ambassadors? I know many women in France that I can approach on 
> this matter.
> Just my 2 cents :-)
> Cheers,
> Jimmy
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