Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 20:09 +1100, Helen wrote:

>> It needs to be decided whether personal opinion has a place in
>> openSUSE News, and if it does, how best to filter it and present it.

It is not so difficult to *decide* whether we should introduce presonal
opinions in our Weekly News or not. We can vote, if needed, and that's all.

The real problem is, as I wrote in another thread, how we can determine
whether an article is a *personal* opinion or not. The borderline is
sometimes fuzzy.

For example, Henne wrote a blog post titled 'Kick Ass!'
Do you think it is his *personal* opinion?

You know, every opinion is more or less *personal*. ;-)

> There does need to be some stronger editorial review.  This isn't the
> first time that a negative light got cast.  When 11.3 was released, the
> special  edition had a blog title in it that made it sound like there
> was a negative perception of 11.3, something we didn't need to have in a
> special edition.

Of course I don't think we need to introduce FUDs in our Weekly News
either. However, I think the borderline here is also fuzzy. Sometimes we
need to know how openSUSE appear to be for people outside of the
openSUSE project/community, even if they say some acid comments...

> There are two things we need to consider though....
> 1)  While News.o.o is an important marketing tool, it is largely a group
> that functions on its own and I DO commend them for diligently putting
> out a new edition each week.  I don't think we should assume control of
> the group as it was pretty much decided earlier this year that we
> weren't going to do that.  But we do need to figure out a way to work
> together.
> 2)  Time constraints are the biggest factor.   The weekly edition gets
> worked on over the weekend and churned out before the weekend is over.
> Many of us don't reallly have an interest in spending our weekends
> working on some project when we have other things to do and need to
> actually have a life.   So, even if we requested a better opportunity to
> review and give a thumbs-up, how do we fit that into our schedule?  

The reason why we proofread, finalize and release new Issues over the
weekend is very simple - Saturday night is the most convenient time for
having proofreading session for (ATM) one and only proofreader (me).

Please remember, I'm neither a Novell employee nor receive a payment for
contributing openSUSE at all. I'm just a volunteer and have my own job
on weekdays. You wrote 'Many of us don't really have an interest in
spending our weekends working on some project ...', but for me, 'I don't
really have time for working on some project on weekdays'.

If someone says 'I can join the editorial review session, if it is held
between XX:00 and YY:00 on [Mon-Fri]day', we can shift the schedule.
When is the 'better opportunity' depends on who will actually do the
task and when is the most convenient time for them. But don't forget,
Weekly News will be published every week. ;-)

In my case, I spend 2-3 hours for proofreading every Saturday - no
summer vacation, no Christmas, no New Year holidays, no Easter, no
Halloween ... (I'm not a Christian, though. :-P) The same can be said
for Sascha.

Anyway, if there's no one who will step forward to be involved in, this
discussion will serve for nothing. I hope someone will raise his/her
hand. ;-)

>> I'm not sure about this - perhaps openSUSE News does need to be fairly
>> 'business oriented' but most newspapers carry opinon pieces, and I
>> enjoy reading them myself. Perhaps if the section was appropriately
>> titled, and carried a 'views are those of the authors, not
>> openSUSE.... ' disclaimer?

That can be a solution. But the borderline here might be fuzzy too.
Imagine if someone will write a blog post *as a part of openSUSE
project*, will it be a personal view, or a view of openSUSE?


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