On Monday 13 December 2010 13:22:14 Jimmy Pierre wrote:
> Greetings,
> Here we go:
> Software freedom Day
> Event Date : 16th October, 2010.
> Event Sponsors : NUI.fr openSUSE Ambassadors : Jimmy Pierre Helpers :
> Laurence Seigneury, Johnny Castel, Jr. Event Details
>  Tell us about the event, What did you do? : Demonstration of installation
> of openSUSE 11.3, open office, chess & games, yast, ssh, WordPress,
> repositories, wi-fi etc. How many DVDs taken and distributed? : 100 and
> distributed 52  How many people were there at the event ? 27 (France was
> on strike, no petrol, no trains, busses, tramways, flights
> (http://www.emorywheel.com/detail.php?n=29085 ) even against all odds, we
> were present as scheduled. How did you promote the Event?
> Facebook : No
> Twitter : No
> Others : Usual channels (forums, rss feeds to web sites and our four domain
> names nui.fr jmll.fr jmll.org, jmll.info , no radio, no newspapers as they
> had other bones to gnaw)  Any Interesting Story you will like to share
> with us? : Yes, two people drove 87 kms to come to see us and I learnt
> later that they heard about us on the radio for the last event 1.e 18th
> September and kept track of what we were doing. A young man took a dvd for
> her grandma Myrtha, aged 81. We had a sort of Jam session (not food
> related, but IT) with chess players who needed Internet for a party. So
> openSUSE was there for their party. Did you have a booth? : NUI was the
> only LUG present.
>  Who staffed the booth? All of the above.
>  Would you go again? Yes, 27th November and 1_th Decembre next.
> What more can you do to make it better? Swap our 16 or so boxes into
> laptops because it takes too much time to setup the room.  Get hold of
> goodies. Other Comments like Will you blog about the event - and where?
> Who staffed the booth? Did you have a talk? Which topic? Would you
> organize again? We were too eager to go back home.
> Software freedom Day
> Event Date : 27th november 2010 Event Sponsors : NUI.fr openSUSE
> Ambassadors : Jimmy Pierre Helpers : Laurence Seigneury, Nathalie A. Event
> Details
>  Tell us about the event, What did you do? : openSUSE 11.3, libre office,
> chess & games, yast, WordPress, wi-fi, smeegol etc. How many DVDs taken
> and distributed? : 100 and distributed 37  How many people were there at
> the event ? 27 (The thermometer showed 3°C and we nevertheless did not
> cancel the event). How did you promote the Event?
> Facebook : No
> Twitter : No
> Others : Usual channels (forums, rss feeds to web sites and our four domain
> names nui.fr jmll.fr jmll.org, jmll.info, no radio, no newspapers this
> time)  Any Interesting Story you will like to share with us? : Yes, a
> bunch of students and their teacher popped in and started to touch
> everything. I distributed some dvds of openSUSE and convinced them to play
> at home ☺ We fighted with smeegol for a lady who wanted to sync her
> iPhone, this is another story. We had a young man who has a lot of IT
> problems and he did monopolized some of us to sort his laptop. Thanks God,
> it was a Dell, so no esoteric material to configure. Did you have a booth?
> : NUI was the only LUG present.
>  Who staffed the booth? All of the above.
>  Would you go again? Yes, 27th November and 18th December  What more can
> you do to make it better? Priority for 2011 : Swap our 16 or so boxes into
> laptops because it takes too much time to setup the room.  Get hold of
> goodies. Other Comments like Will you blog about the event - and where?
> Who staffed the booth? Did you have a talk? Which topic? Would you
> organize again? We were too busy with social problems to do that.
> As you can see, we had a lot of fun.

Awesomeness :D

> Jimmy
> President
> nui.fr

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