On 01/03/2011 06:43 PM, Chuck Payne wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Shayon Mukherjee <shay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I signed my name up in the list. But now it looks like I wont be able to
>> make it to the conference. Sorry for the late notice.
>> I hope you all have a great conference ;)
>> Shayon
>> On 01/03/2011 11:16 AM, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
>>> As mentioned in previous emails, the Marketing Team will be hosting a
>>> Marketing Hackfest in Los Angeles, CA the week of February 21.  This
>>> will coincide with the SCALE conference at the end of the week.
>>> Several of you have already sent in your applications to participate in
>>> the hackfest, and we thank you for doing so.  We know that there are
>>> more of you out there who expressed an interest to go and we urge you to
>>> apply before tomorrow's deadline.
>>> How?  Send Jos an email with your estimated budget for airfare to Los
>>> Angeles (LAX Airport is recommended).  There are several airports in the
>>> Southern California area, but I recommend you use LAX if possible.  The
>>> hackfest will cover the costs of hotel during your stay in Los Angeles.
>>> If you are approved by Jos, we will attempt to cover 80% of your airfare
>>> costs.

Bryen it was between 50 to 100% in the initial message !

>>> Please do this by tomorrow if at all possible so we can move ahead with
>>> planning.
>>> Published details of the current state of the hackfest is at
>>> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:11.4_Marketing_Hackfest  And if you have
>>> any questions, please feel free to ask Jos or me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bryen M Yunashko
>> --
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+unsubscr...@opensuse.org
>> For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+h...@opensuse.org
> I have signed up. I know I will be SCALE.

Cool Chuck, see you there (if my sponsorship is accepted), and happy new year !


Bruno Friedmann (irc:tigerfoot)
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