Dear  ALL:

First, I am very happy to meet openSUSE guys in India ( GNOME.Asia 2011)

I upload some pictures at flickr  ( )
I am sorry about I didn't write any report to you.  Orz............

At GNOME.Asia 2011, we use GNOME3 with openSUSE iso  ( ), and  isohybird command to create
usb linux for people.

Just two simple steps.

Step 1:
# isohybrid    xxxopenSUSExxx.iso

( isohybird command is include in syslinux package)


# cat   xxxxopenSUSExxx.iso   >   /dev/sdx

( /dev/sdx is the usb device)

----------------------- May ----------------------------------

I teach my student openSUSE linux and use some open source application
this year.

At Ming Chi University of Technology ( )

They love to use openSUSE at all. ^__^  ( Maybe in the course )

We had two seminar at 2 different college.

Ling Tung University  ( )
National Formosa University  (  )

About " SUSEStudio " and "Nagios with openSUSE"
And they got  openSUSE DVD for their teacher and students.
They really want to learn more with openSUSE and freeware.

Write an article "openSUSE and Hadoop" with  Linux Pilot Magazine in May
It's a paper magazine in Hongkong, China, and Taiwan

Thanks openSUSE, thanks Jos, thanks every Ambassador.
And I just got some openSUSE DVD with GNOME 3

^__________^   I will use it to promote openSUSE and GNOME

Sorry, I am not a good ambassador, I am not write a good report XD

Best regards


_/_/  openSUSE Ambassador - Taiwan _/_/
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