On 07/27/2011 11:29 AM, Kim Leyendecker wrote:
> Am 27.07.2011 07:39, schrieb Kostas Koudaras:
>> at 9th of August we have the Project Anniversary, what about organize
>> some meet-up around the world for the people of openSUSE?
>> One other thought is to try and make a really big Hangout at Google
>> plus, what do you thing?
> Although I´m already on vacancies at 9th of August, I would suggest to use 
> Facebook or connect instead of Google+. Yeah, Google+
> is much much cooler then Facebook (yes, I hardly believe so.) but AFAIK there 
> more people of our project using Facebook then the
> Google+guys.
Are you kidding, I've thousand of people in G+ and none in facebook. Perhaps 
due to the fact I'm not on FB :D
> I remember that Bruno was doing a release party for 11.4 in Second-life. I 
> saw the pictures, and it really impressed me, so
> Bruno, do you think, you could do something similar for the project´s 
> anniversary?
Could be possible. Let me check that with Françoise tonight. But will be 
smaller due to the time constraint.
And we don't have any artwork material.
> So, these are IMHO the possible social networks:
> *Facebook: The most people could take part, we could create an event there 
> and invite people.
> *Google+: Fewer people then on Facebook, but the much cooler GUI. I don´t 
> know what our probabilities there are, but I think
> Kostas will know.
> *Second-Life: The positive thing about it is, that it all lookes like real 
> life and is really impressive. The negative side,
> well, afaik you need an account and I don´t know the cost (are there any 
> costs?).
For attendee there's no cost, as Jdd said on next message. Just need to have 
highend material, and very good internet connexion.
For the place, actually the Geeko place is located on a shared sim with other 
floss project and so didn't cost something.
It's just more small that what we have previously. But there's a common 
dance/music place.
> *IRC: Of course we could also do so on IRC, but I think there are not enough 
> people on IRC.
Kidding again, we are all apart you and jdd on irc :D

But for the 9, it's the day where I will travel to Berlin for Desktop Summit.
There's a party at night this day, and so would be cool to have at least a 
flyer and some promotionnal actions during the party.
(SUSE is gold sponsor of DS)

Boosters can you read/hear me? :-) ^^^^  ^^^^


Bruno Friedmann
Ioda-Net Sàrl www.ioda-net.ch

openSUSE Member & Ambassador
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