Στις 20/08/2011 02:37 πμ, ο/η Bryen M. Yunashko έγραψε:
On Sat, 2011-08-20 at 00:28 +0300, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr)
Στις 19/08/2011 11:30 μμ, ο/η Bryen M. Yunashko έγραψε:
Love Facebook?  Hate Facebook?  Like it or not, its here to stay and we
have to live with it.  :-)

So, some observations this week and I'm wondering if we can create some

1.  Our news articles are automatically posted to our openSUSE Facebook
Page.  This same function does not work for our openSUSE Group (which
has a lot of members.)  Publishing on the Group page requires manual

If you look at the publication on both places, you will notice the
automatic publishing function is pretty ugly.  Compare to our manual
publishing on Group, its very nice.  We can select which graphic to use
and it includes an excerpt from our article.  This makes it much more
attractive and hopefully people will read it more.

Do we know of a way we can fix our automatic publication to be more like
the manual publication?

2.  I've discussed this with a couple of people so far this week.  I'd
like to see more automation of spreading our word on Facebook.  My idea
is that we create an openSUSE Facebook App that will automatically
publish our articles on your personal wall.   This would be voluntary
because people would choose to install the app or not in their Facebook

Does anyone know if such a design is possible and knows how to create
it?   I think this has great potential for us.

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Marketing Team

Regarding no1, there's a tool called RSS Graffiti. This works fine for
me to both openSUSE and Gnome. It shows that the group publishes and not
the user. To set up, must be admin of the page.
But does it publish it in a pretty way?   Look at our automatic
publishing on the openSUSE Page.  It is an ugly post.   Now look at the
manual publishing on the openSUSE Group.  It is a pretty post including
excerpt and we can choose which graphic to show.

Can you point me to the examples on GNOME?  I looked at all their groups
and pages and I don't see the example you're mentioning.


I use also the tool http://dlvr.it/ You can choose to publish a spesific picture (eg the lizard). That's what we do for gnome group. Our pages for gnome are:



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