> I suggested to Bryen publishing to a webpage on another server, that page
> could then be re-published on any number of other wesites likely using
> include or frames tags. Doing so can preserve original "pretty" formatting
> or apply site formatting.
> Will that work on Facebook, too?
> Tony
> On Friday, August 19, 2011, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr)
> <diamond...@freemail.gr> wrote:
>> Στις 20/08/2011 02:37 πμ, ο/η Bryen M. Yunashko έγραψε:
>>> On Sat, 2011-08-20 at 00:28 +0300, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr)
>>> wrote:
>>>> Στις 19/08/2011 11:30 μμ, ο/η Bryen M. Yunashko έγραψε:
>>>>> Love Facebook?  Hate Facebook?  Like it or not, its here to stay and we
>>>>> have to live with it.  :-)
>>>>> So, some observations this week and I'm wondering if we can create some
>>>>> solutions.
>>>>> 1.  Our news articles are automatically posted to our openSUSE Facebook
>>>>> Page.  This same function does not work for our openSUSE Group (which
>>>>> has a lot of members.)  Publishing on the Group page requires manual
>>>>> work.
>>>>> If you look at the publication on both places, you will notice the
>>>>> automatic publishing function is pretty ugly.  Compare to our manual
>>>>> publishing on Group, its very nice.  We can select which graphic to use
>>>>> and it includes an excerpt from our article.  This makes it much more
>>>>> attractive and hopefully people will read it more.
>>>>> Do we know of a way we can fix our automatic publication to be more
>>>>> like
>>>>> the manual publication?
>>>>> 2.  I've discussed this with a couple of people so far this week.  I'd
>>>>> like to see more automation of spreading our word on Facebook.  My idea
>>>>> is that we create an openSUSE Facebook App that will automatically
>>>>> publish our articles on your personal wall.   This would be voluntary
>>>>> because people would choose to install the app or not in their Facebook
>>>>> profile.
>>>>> Does anyone know if such a design is possible and knows how to create
>>>>> it?   I think this has great potential for us.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Bryen M Yunashko
>>>>> openSUSE Marketing Team
>>>> Regarding no1, there's a tool called RSS Graffiti. This works fine for
>>>> me to both openSUSE and Gnome. It shows that the group publishes and not
>>>> the user. To set up, must be admin of the page.
>>> But does it publish it in a pretty way?   Look at our automatic
>>> publishing on the openSUSE Page.  It is an ugly post.   Now look at the
>>> manual publishing on the openSUSE Group.  It is a pretty post including
>>> excerpt and we can choose which graphic to show.
>>> Can you point me to the examples on GNOME?  I looked at all their groups
>>> and pages and I don't see the example you're mentioning.
>>> Bryen
>> I use also the tool http://dlvr.it/ You can choose to publish a spesific
>> picture (eg the lizard). That's what we do for gnome group. Our pages for
>> gnome are:
>> https://www.facebook.com/gnomegr?sk=wall
>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/gnomegr/
>> Take care,
>> Stathis
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