Στις 21/08/2011 11:18 μμ, ο/η Alan Clark έγραψε:
Here some questions I thought yesterday. It was hot and I couldn't sleep.
I don't know right now what results we could get from them but some more
experienced than me, can figure out.

* What OS do you use? Windows/MAC/GNU-Linux/Other
* what type of pc do you have? (desktop/laptop/tablet/mac)
* what is your education?
* what is your profession?
* where do you use computer/linux? (profession or home)
* what distro do you use?
* what GUI do you use?
* what was your first distro ever? (distro that helped you learn about
* Why did you change your first distro? (if change)
* since when do you use linux (or how many years)?
* Have you ever used SUSE or openSUSE in the past? What were the reasons
you stopped using it?
* what do you like best in your distro?
*  what is annoyng with your distro?
* what do you expect to see from your distro? or generally in linux?
* you want to get things/software from different distros.....
* Do you know anything about SUSE and openSUSE?
* what did you like best with your contact with people in openSUSE?
* what do you think that people of openSUSE must change?
* what do you think that people of all distros must change? (I thought
this question especially for Greece).
* do you use forum/irc/ML/wiki to find help?
* do you like to read?
* do you read tech magazines or get information from the net?
* do you know any programming language?
* are you member of a project?
* do you play games? internet games?
* what colour do you like? (for our artwork team)
* what shape do you like? (angles/circle etc for the artwork team)

Jos, since you're Psychologist, you can think more questions like the
last 2 about our distro.

Feel free to add more.
Thanks for reading
I believe the results of the survey should enable us to do the following:
1.   classify the surveyee
2.  Refine the message to our consuming audience
3. Grow the community

  +1 the recomendation that the survey needs to be short.   I think the survey 
needs to be 10 -11 questions.  You have some great questions above. I'd suggest 
combining and mapping them into these 3 survey result areas.



I created a file. Please take a look and tell some ideas.


I'll try to analyze what I think.

I have some questions about the person, others about the distro(s) and about community.
Unfortunately I couldn't find questions that can be answered like YES/NO.

Here we go:

Personal: * Those questions show the ID of the user (or developer if he uses a programming language).
1. What OS do you use? Windows/MAC/GNU-Linux/Other
2. What type of pc do you have? Desktop/laptop/tablet

* This question shows where we must focus. Maybe create an openSUSE version for tablets (remember guys I'm Vet. I don't know if we can create something like this).

3. Where do you use computer/linux? Profession/home
4. a. Do you know any programming language?
   b. Are you member of a project?

5. a. What was your first distro ever?
    b. Why did you change your first distro?

* Here we learn the first distro and the problem that the user had and changed. Difficult installation procedure? Difficult environment? No help? If this is software problem, our developers can fix it. If it's community problem, our community can be organized better.
Maybe we must also learn what GUI he/she started.

6. What do you use now?       What GUI?

* If the user came back to GNU/Linux, what he/she uses now and what GUI.

7. a. Have you ever used SUSE or openSUSE in the past? YES/NO - SUSE/openSUSE
    b. What were the reasons you stopped using it?

* In Greece, lot of people told us: My first distro was SUSE 6.0 but I had a problem using it and I turned to windows (or other distro). So we must find the problem. If the problem doesn't excist any more, it's a success for us. If it is and maybe developers cannot see it, then we must check it. Lately I've heard that it's difficult for the user to SEE the next button on the bottom right corner. I guess the user installed (k)ubuntu where the Next button it under the installation information.

8. How many years do you use GNU/Linux?

* Check if the user is advanced or not. Maybe this can go under personal questions.

9. what do you like best in your distro?

* Developers can see what people like best and maybe try to create something similar (or better) to our distro.

10. Combine pros from other distros you want to use

* It's the same question but the user here can say also what he/she likes from other distros (and dislike on the one he/she uses).

11. Do you use forum/irc/ML/wiki/personal contact to find help?

* This shows where the user asks questions and gets answers. This way the local communities can focus on that channel of communication.

12. What did you like best with your contact with openSUSE people?
13. What do you think that people of openSUSE must change?

* The above 2 questions are to improve the ambassador's behaviour with the people. It's not mandatory but I propose the ambassadors (marketing people) to read books about communicating with people. It's not only about technical questions. We can find answers to those questions to our wiki. But the interaction with people is another story.

That's all I'm thinking right now. I hope you're not mad at me (Henne ;-) )
Thanks for reading.
Have a lot of fun

PS: We must find the right questions for the lessons we must learn and then use our community tools to check the results.
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