A bit more feedback...

> I created a file. Please take a look and tell some ideas.
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8327991/openSUSE_marketing_survey_draft_v1.odt
> I'll try to analyze what I think.
> I have some questions about the person, others about the distro(s) and 
> about community.
> Unfortunately I couldn't find questions that can be answered like YES/NO.
> Here we go:
> Personal: * Those questions show the ID of the user (or developer if he 
> uses a programming language).
> 1. What OS do you use? Windows/MAC/GNU-Linux/Other

Turn that into a check box

> 2. What type of pc do you have? Desktop/laptop/tablet

Change to What will be your next main computing device? Desktop/laptop/tablet
> * This question shows where we must focus. Maybe create an openSUSE 
> version for tablets (remember guys I'm Vet. I don't know if we can 
> create something like this).
> 3. Where do you use computer/linux? Profession/home
> 4. a. Do you know any programming language?
>     b. Are you member of a project?
How about getting rid of 4a and changing 4b to, what is blocking you from being 
a member of a project?

> Distro
> 5. a. What was your first distro ever?
>      b. Why did you change your first distro?

Add the word 'from'
> * Here we learn the first distro and the problem that the user had and 
> changed. Difficult installation procedure? Difficult environment? No 
> help? If this is software problem, our developers can fix it. If it's 
> community problem, our community can be organized better.
> Maybe we must also learn what GUI he/she started.
> 6. What do you use now?       What GUI?

Switch What for Which ?

> * If the user came back to GNU/Linux, what he/she uses now and what GUI.
> 7. a. Have you ever used SUSE or openSUSE in the past? YES/NO - 
>      b. What were the reasons you stopped using it?
> * In Greece, lot of people told us: My first distro was SUSE 6.0 but I 
> had a problem using it and I turned to windows (or other distro). So we 
> must find the problem. If the problem doesn't excist any more, it's a 
> success for us. If it is and maybe developers cannot see it, then we 
> must check it.
> Lately I've heard that it's difficult for the user to SEE the next 
> button on the bottom right corner. I guess the user installed (k)ubuntu 
> where the Next button it under the installation information.
> 8. How many years do you use GNU/Linux?

Instead of asking for years, ask Do you consider yourself an advanced, average 
or novice user? 

> * Check if the user is advanced or not. Maybe this can go under personal 
> questions.
> 9. what do you like best in your distro?
> * Developers can see what people like best and maybe try to create 
> something similar (or better) to our distro.
> 10. Combine pros from other distros you want to use
> * It's the same question but the user here can say also what he/she 
> likes from other distros (and dislike on the one he/she uses).
> Community
> 11. Do you use forum/irc/ML/wiki/personal contact to find help?
> * This shows where the user asks questions and gets answers. This way 
> the local communities can focus on that channel of communication.
> 12. What did you like best with your contact with openSUSE people?
> 13. What do you think that people of openSUSE must change?
> * The above 2 questions are to improve the ambassador's behaviour with 
> the people. It's not mandatory but I propose the ambassadors (marketing 
> people) to read books about communicating with people. It's not only 
> about technical questions. We can find answers to those questions to our 
> wiki. But the interaction with people is another story.
> That's all I'm thinking right now. I hope you're not mad at me (Henne ;-) )
> Thanks for reading.
> Have a lot of fun
> Stathis
> PS: We must find the right questions for the lessons we must learn and 
> then use our community tools to check the results.

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