Hi all,

I participated in a Software Freedom Day[1] event on Saturday, held at the City University of Hong Kong[2], at which Hong Kong Linux Users' Group[3] were one of the primary organisers. I plan to write a detailed report and will post it and the photos as soon as I get some time.

Meanwhile, some basic data for starters:
Turnout: Over 100
Topics covered at talks: MeeGo, Java, 3D modelling hardware(Reprap), free drivers, Python, etc Distros present : Mainly Debian, some Ubuntu, a fedora guy, 2 redhat guys, a couple of Meego people, and myself(openSUSE). Projects present(non-distro): Mozilla, GNU(saw no people, only goodies), Creative Commons, Java, Python, GNOME. DVDs distributed: 50 promo DVDs, 20 Li-f-e DVDs, 5 KDE Live CDs, 10 downloaded DVDs, 5 copied ISOs off my laptop.
(Unfortunately, I had too few DVDs, and demand was quite appreciable)

I mostly distributed a copy of [4] with the DVDs, mainly because most seemed to be non-beginners, and potential contributors even in the short term. It would probably have been better if some goodies/sticker could be arranged, but I was not sure if I could attend.

[1] http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2011/Hong%20Kong/Hong%20Kong%20Linux%20User%20Group
[2] http://www.cityu.edu.hk/
[3] http://www.linux.org.hk/
[4] http://en.opensuse.org/images/1/15/Why_openSUSE_is_cool_1.0_English_HighRes.pdf

More later,

P.S. Sorry for the cross-post, but although these seems to be an ambassador presence, most SFD reports are coming in on the marketing list.
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