I know I am not part of the Marketing team but I was thinking that
giving out a gift every release is a good one. It is a time when all
of use feel a great sense of accomplishment and it's a good time,
heart warm, when we could give someone one of these gifts. Maybe it's
too much money, but it sounded nice in my mind :D


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Christian Boltz <opens...@cboltz.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> [please reply on the opensuse-project mailinglist!]
> Some time ago, we collected ideas for contributor gifts on
> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Contributor_gifts
> and also decided who should receive a gift - see
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=682098
> (basically active members + GSOC students + an option to propose someone
> who contributed a lot, but isn't a member (yet)).
> I discussed with AJ today which items on the list would be possible and
> would make sense. That made list much shorter ;-)
> The contributor gifts should be something special/exclusive IMHO, not
> the "usual" stuff we hand out to visitors at conferences or stuff you
> can order via shop.o.o. I'd say the symbolic value is more important
> than the price - no gold bar with geeko embossing needed ;-)
> The narrowed down list contains these proposals:
> a) things you can touch
> - coffee mugs
> - caps
> - T-Shirt (not an exceptional idea, but people like them)
> - USB memory sticks (with bootable openSUSE)
> - openSUSE playing cards
> The design should be something special that is only available to
> contributors/members and should contain a hint that the person who
> wears/owns item is an openSUSE contributor/member. (Take the 11.1
> "iContribute" t-shirts as an example.)
> The openSUSE playing cards are an idea on its own. While the easiest way
> would be to create "normal" playing cards and just replace king and
> queen with Tux and Geeko, having a special "openSUSE game" would be even
> better. (But that would probably also mean it won't be ready when we
> release 12.1.)
> When we send out a parcel, we can always add things like stickers, some
> promo DVDs and a cheat sheet poster. And of course a "thank you" letter.
> b) Awards at openSUSE conference for contributions in a few categories
> There would be some categories (for example marketing, packaging,
> development, bugreporting etc.), and the top-contributor in each
> category would receive a price. This price would be "bigger" and more
> personal compared to the items in a)
> The handling could be done similar to how KDE does Akademy awards:
> Winners from last year choose winners from next year; would only need
> 'starting up' for us (categories and winners). The only risk is that not
> everybody might love that sort of "paperwork" to choose next year's
> winners so we might need some volunteers as fallback.
> c) software
> SLE* license for free or at least a special price (a restriction to
> "updates only, without support" if you do it for free would be OK).
> The problem with this option is that not everybody needs a SLE* license.
> If we decide on one of those, then the next problem comes up: money ;-)
> At the moment there isn't a budget available, but AJ sees at least
> chances to get one. (We'll probably have to discuss the details after
> deciding which of the above we want to do - or if we spend the money for
> something totally different.)
> Beside the costs for the gifts itsself, we also have to keep shipment
> costs and customs in mind. This leads to another question:
> When/how often do we send a gift to a contributor? The options are:
> - at every release
> - once a year - (could even reduce shipment costs - people visiting the
>  conference could get it there, so we have to ship only to those who
>  can't come to the conference)
> - once when you become a member - call it a "member welcome package" ;-)
>  (and of course the current members would also receive it)
> I'm open for feedback. What of the above do you think would make a good
> contributor gift? When/how often should we send one? Or shouldn't we
> send one at all and spend the money otherwise?
> There are also some good ideas in the wiki page would make good
> giveaways at conferences, trade fairs etc:
> - geeko-shaped paperclips
> - geeko/openSUSE pins
> - key fobs
> - lanyards
> - jellybaby geekos - someone (Klaas?) mentioned this idea at the
>  conference, but the problem seems to be that producing the shape/form
>  is expensive. The jellybybies itsself are quite cheap compared to
>  that.
> @marketing team: feel free to use any of those ideas ;-)
> Regards,
> Christian Boltz
> --
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