On Mon, 2012-02-06 at 19:12 +0100, Pascal Bleser wrote:
> > (*yes* yes another etherpad lite thing. Hope this one is more stable
> but I 
> > bet it's not)
> No, not that stable indeed :\

Stealing from another thread.  :-)

The demise of ietherpad.com (which was the most stable IMO until they
goofed and did not create backups for their site) leads us to look at
other pad sites.  None of which seem stable even for few minutes at a
time.  Piratepad is horrible.

Which leads to the question:  What can we use for a good document
collaboration tool?   Some may suggest wiki, but I fear its not a great
solution either as we generate lots of pads in the past and we'll just
end up littering our wiki, and besides it does not offer the same ease
of collaboration that a pad offered.

Several efforts lately I have done have been stymied by the lack of a
stable doc collaboration tool.  Some people suggest Google Apps, but
umm... meh.



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