Over the years, I've seen numbers thrown out for a number of distros,
but none for openSUSE.  This article [1] shows what it would cost to
develop Debian, which is $19.1 Billion.

It would be interesting to see some kind of numbers for openSUSE (not
just the distro but the overall Project, including OBS, etc.)
Especially as we try to attract development to the Project.  No, the
result numbers would not be accurate, and would be actually lower than
what it really would have cost, but still it would make for a compelling
number that we can use in presentations and other marketing materials.

Anyone interested in taking a stab and installing SLOCCount [2] to come
up with some numbers we might be able to use in the future?

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Project

[2] http://www.dwheeler.com/sloccount/

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