
I would like to invite all the Ambassadors who live in latin-america, to
participate and support the openSUSE at FLISOL 2012 [1], wich will occur
in 28th of April.

You can find  out if your city is already involved [2]. If not, you are
allow to organize it and also have fun spreading the FOSS culture in
your city. Remember to complete the fields in the table with your
participation in the openSUSE Ambassadors events page [3].

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLISOL
[2] http://flisol.info/FLISOL2012
[3] http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors_events

If you need any help fell free to contact me.

Thanks in advance,

Luiz Augusto Machado
Administrador de Sistemas GNU/Linux
openSUSE: Linux para mentes abertas !
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