On Tue, 2012-09-18 at 17:47 +0200, Victor hck wrote:
> Hi
> I have read this link:
> - http://summit.opensuse.org/news/2012/09-18-pie_for_pi/
> For the ossum. This Summit it's in English and In spanish too, so why
> not to translate this thing?? XD
> I have made a translation, that I send in this mail.
> Take a look, and review, and chage what ever you think, and if you
> want you can upload to the page...
> Bye!
> Thank's a lot to Jos, he's everywhere to help me!! ;)

Because people who have volunteered to help with translations have been
disappearing.   Too many promises broken.  We have given up trying to
stay on top of translations if no one will do the work.  Everyone on the
Summit translation team keeps saying they'll do the work "tonight" and
then we never hear from them again.

I'm disappointed.  We made a promise to the public to be a bi-lingual
event based on the commitments made by several Spanish-speaking people
who were involved and are attending the Summit.   We have about 15
people from Central America coming to the Summit.  I can always try to
do a lot to cover bases, but I am also not God and can't make things
magically fixed everywhere.


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