On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Alexis "Agemen" <a9e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> We're going to have a booth during next week-end in Paris, during the
> open-world forum. We'll be at least two, maybe more... but we won't
> have much materials. We will certainly have some things to present the
> Alionet association, but as we intend to present openSUSE first, we'd
> really liske to have things openSUSE specific. My question is,
> consequently : are there any places where we can find sources for
> banners and/or flyers so that we can print some and have them on
> Saturday ? I know the delay is too short for the marketing team (and
> I've seen that it wouldn't have been possible anyway). But I think
> that we'll be able to print some things before the week-end...
> Any hints we'll be really appreciated.

Hope this helps
> Sincerely,
> Agemen.
> PS : I cc the french list as I know some things had already been made.
> I can't find a link, unfortunately :-(
> --
> OrbisGIS supporter.
> --
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Manu Gupta
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