I sent this to ambassador-welcome@... yesterday, but for the promo DVD part I guess I can receive quicker answer here...

[[..headers removed, so the list hopefully does not reject it...]]


I'm Peter Czanik from Budapest, Hungary. After long discussions with
fellow openSUSE users and current ambassador Kalman Kemenczy (on CC), I
plan to become openSUSE ambassador in Hungary. You can read more about
me athttps://connect.opensuse.org/pg/profile/czanik

As far as I know, Kalman already ordered some openSUSE 12.2 DVDs. I
could not reach him for more than a week, so I'd like to ask you if you
know the status of this order. There will be a local conference on the
8th of December, where I could distribute some DVDs while making some
publicity for openSUSE. The event  will be organized by Free Software
Foundation, Hungary. Sorry, the web page is only in Hungarian:
http://konf.fsf.hu/cgis/ossc  As far as I can understand from the wiki at
http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors  , I'm already too late to
order them myself (the page mentions four weeks)...


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