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"openSUSE welcome Google Summer of Code 2014 participants

Thanks to Google, openSUSE has an excellent number of slots and an
equally excellent number of mentors and students for Google Summer of
Code 2014. Througuout the summer, students participanting in this
program will code for openSUSE and its sister organizations ownCloud,
MATE and Zorp and help them move forward. The best part of the
projects is that the students most of the code written will go
upstream and will benefit openSUSE in general also. Along with this,
we have an equally good range of projects that contribute to improve
the existing openSUSE architecture.

The list of successfull students are :

1. Travel Support Program application -     Karthik Senthil
2. Playlist Functionality for ownCloud Music App -    Volkan
3. ownCloud Calendar Application in angularJS -    Raghu Nayyar
4. openSUSE GSOC ideas: Cool live flash -    Zsolt Peter Basak
5. Open Source Event Manager (OSEM): Refactor user management model -
  Stella Rouzi
6. Open Source Event Manager (OSEM): Implemention Organizer Dashboard
-    cbruckmayer
7. MATE: Port from deprecated GStreamer 0.10 -    Michal Ratajsky
8. Integrate Snapper Snapshot browsing into openSUSE Desktop tools -
 Oguz Kayral
9. Implement an application-level LBaaS driver for Zorp -    Péter Vörös
10. Extend Git-Review to support BitBucket -    xystushi
11. Event Splash page for Visitors In Open Source Event Manager
Application. -    Gopesh Tulsyan
12. ePub support in Atril (MATE) -    avishkar gupta
13. Add Snapshot management API to libvirt Xenlight driver -    David Kiarie
14. Add a Snapshot Handling Framework to openSUSE GUI Tools -    Varad Gautam

In the following weeks weeks we will talk a lot more about these
projects and get to know these students well.

Lets brew some code now.

Manu Gupta
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