An I even missed words in my edit.. :-P

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:44 PM, C <> wrote:
> Suggestions/edits in-line (small changes without altering the flavour
> of the article)
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:06 PM, Manu Gupta <> wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> This is a small article, can you please review it
>> "openSUSE welcome Google Summer of Code 2014 participants
> (spelling)   welcomes
>> Thanks to Google, openSUSE has an excellent number of slots and an
>> equally excellent number of mentors and students for Google Summer of
>> Code 2014. Througuout the summer, students participanting in this
> (spelling) Throughout....  participating....
>> program will code for openSUSE and its sister organizations ownCloud,
>> MATE and Zorp and help them move forward. The best part of the
>> projects is that the students most of the code written will go
> (missing words)   The best part the project is that most of the code
> written by the students will go upstream, which benefits openSUSE as
> well.

The best part of the project is...

>> upstream and will benefit openSUSE in general also. Along with this,
>> we have an equally good range of projects that contribute to improve
> (word order)  Along with these upstream projects, we have an equally
> good range of projects that will improve the existing openSUSE
> architecture.
>> the existing openSUSE architecture.
>> The list of successfull students are :
>> 1. Travel Support Program application -     Karthik Senthil
>> 2. Playlist Functionality for ownCloud Music App -    Volkan
>> 3. ownCloud Calendar Application in angularJS -    Raghu Nayyar
>> 4. openSUSE GSOC ideas: Cool live flash -    Zsolt Peter Basak
>> 5. Open Source Event Manager (OSEM): Refactor user management model -
>>   Stella Rouzi
>> 6. Open Source Event Manager (OSEM): Implemention Organizer Dashboard
>> -    cbruckmayer
>> 7. MATE: Port from deprecated GStreamer 0.10 -    Michal Ratajsky
>> 8. Integrate Snapper Snapshot browsing into openSUSE Desktop tools -
>>  Oguz Kayral
>> 9. Implement an application-level LBaaS driver for Zorp -    Péter Vörös
>> 10. Extend Git-Review to support BitBucket -    xystushi
>> 11. Event Splash page for Visitors In Open Source Event Manager
>> Application. -    Gopesh Tulsyan
>> 12. ePub support in Atril (MATE) -    avishkar gupta
>> 13. Add Snapshot management API to libvirt Xenlight driver -    David Kiarie
>> 14. Add a Snapshot Handling Framework to openSUSE GUI Tools -    Varad Gautam
>> In the following weeks weeks we will talk a lot more about these
> (spelling and wording)   In the following weeks we will talk a lot
> more about these projects and get to know the students as well.
>> projects and get to know these students well.
>> Lets brew some code now.
> The article is fine :-) minor tweaks and it's done.
> C.
> --
> openSUSE 13.1 x86_64, KDE 4.12

openSUSE 13.1 x86_64, KDE 4.12
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