Hey Jasna,

On 07.05.2014 14:03, Jasna Benčić wrote:

That is the event page where you invite everyone and it is valid only
for an event that it is created for in this case oSC14.

  I meant the actual fan page for e.g.
https://www.facebook.com/TheLinuxFoundation  this is much stronger and
you can use it to build audience for conference and openSUSE in
general but mostly for conference in this case.

On fan pages you can create event as a part of that fan page where you
invite everyone that follows your page/likes your page.

Ah so something general, sorry I'm not very familiar with facebook terms...

I would only like to give you one thing to think about:

At least for twitter, the separation of @openSUSE and @openSUSEConf hurts us a lot, I think. We often post great content on @openSUSEConf which doesn't end up on @openSUSE. This is bad for @openSUSE because it's missing out on the great content and bad for the conference because the great content is not shared with the 26.000 people who follow @openSUSE but only with the 439 followers of @openSUSEConf.

So you have to have a content strategy that spans both "pages" or you have a strategy how you can place conference related content onto the main page without becoming too spammy. I imagine this could be the same for facebook. Just my 2 lipe...

Now go an make something happen, don't let me stop you! :-)


Henne Vogelsang
Everybody has a plan, until they get hit.
        - Mike Tyson
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