On Monday 18 August 2014 10.29:46 Henne Vogelsang wrote:
> On 16.08.2014 13:05, Nenad Latinović wrote:
> > 1. For now (110+ responses), the quality of the news is rated  
> > somewhere between 3 and 4. (both tied, but there are 9 responses for 1  
> > and 2, and only 6 for 5).
> That's good :-)
> > 3. There are currently a vast majority of wishes for news to be  
> > published only a couple of times/week instead of every day, or once a  
> > week.
> Hmmm so we're back to square 345 and the monthly magazine idea. I guess
> we should do both...
> > 4. The site's appearance is rated nearly 50 for 4, and 30+ for 3.  
> > About twenty percent want an overhaul, the same are against it, while  
> > 50+ % think the appearance is not important, but only content.
> I guess that's because most of them read through an RSS feed reader.
> Page visits are pretty low anyway...
> > And now for the most important part:
> > 
> > In the 'write your opinion' section, the most recurring responses are  
> > that non-technical and technical news should be treated equally, so I  
> > guess we'd need a power-user who's willing to write for n.o.o.  
> > regularly. The other is that series like the past CLT and similar  
> > don't belong on the news site, but there are suggestions to either  
> > create a separate site like omgubuntu of fedoraftw, or to find a way  
> > to merge the n.o.o. with lizards. How could that be done?
> Yeah that is a long standing wish of many people. It would be trivial
> with the current wordpress, but it would require some engineering and
> migrating which we lack manpower for...
> Henne
Henne, could you please try to have a rough estimate of the effort ? 
is it one day, one week, a month ???

How hard it would be a by example a small team with 2 noobs, a you like, and a 
darix like ?


Bruno Friedmann 
Ioda-Net Sàrl www.ioda-net.ch
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