For oSC15: it likely won't happen.  Even if it made sense for the
conference (and there is space for it in the schedule) we probably won't
have the time to pull together the needed sponsors to cover the airfare (we
did it many months in advance for SCALE) and schedule it with the crew.
But doing a live show at a future oSC would be absolutely awesome.

On the topic of the openSUSE review on the next episode: It would be
awesome to get someone on the next episode to talk about openSUSE.  Maybe
Richard Brown or Doug DeMaio or... someone else?  It would be a roughly 10
to 15 minute chat about openSUSE history and, in general, talking about
what's great about it.  Thoughts?

Hi Bryan,
I'll be snowboarding in the Alps at 2,300 meter with patchy wifi and a bunch of beer for the next week and a half. Don't hate on me too much. I recommend Andrew Wafaa do the interview on this occasion and that Richard be the secondary choice.

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