
It was quite a miserable day, coldish, the City Hall was deserted. A
few associations were present and waiting for visitors/members to pop

When we got to our room, the heating was off and the tables had sort
of disappeared. We had to go in other rooms and took possession of
“spare” tables from other associations. Bad start!

The first person who entered was the President of an association in
North Rouen and one of our regulars gave him our contact. I spent some
time with him discussing his motivations and what he delivers in his
association. As a matter of fact, Libre Office and as he saw the pc of
our regular attendee running Leap 42.1, so he came to learn more. I
scratched a USB key and burnt Leap 42.2 for him to test. And as we had
the 19 boxes to update/reinstall, I started one and showed him how to
do it properly and got him to install a couple of boxes alone so that
he could be autonomous when he got to his own machines in his
association. 50 minutes later, he was done and said good bye!

In parallel, we had a few things going:

1.    A guy came with an old box (x86) and wanted Leap 42.2 installed.
We got desperate and tried a openSUSE 13.2 instead (I know, not
supported). His DVD player was KO, so despite numerous attempts, we
finally showed him how to create a network install.

2.    The IT teacher came round and was eager to see Leap 42.2 going.
Which he saw. And as he came with his own USB Key, the iso was burnt
to his key. We made his day!

3.    Our Greek lady was in as usual and desperately needed help with
some text, among other things. We did let Laurence deal with that one!

4.    Two girls popped in and wanted the price for lesson on
LibreOffice. I replied 1000€. They seemed happy to pay ;-) so I gave
them an inset on opensource and FOSS. And also that we do *not* charge
a cent… They will come back and bring their machines in next month.

5.    A young fellow who had problems in his schooling spent the day
with us, he installed some boxes with openSUSE and gave help to
visitors. It was good to see motivated people. Later in the evening we
found him pushing a bike in the city: they stole his saddle while he
was with us!!!!

6.    I had my guy with the new laptop that I spent hours tweaking the
BIOS and had to make a personal delivery a couple of months ago to his
home. He was here for Leap 42.2 upgrade. We did a clean install and
again a fight with the BIOS. (Note to self: need to write a how to).

7.    We had a guy who wanted some web development. Sadly we cannot
indulge in designing and building tailored made web services. I
explained that he could by all means get help to install many FOSS on
a domain or host his website on openSUSE for example and it would be
up to him to build a sort of portal that will call the necessary
software. He was deceived that we would not indulge in his wishes….

8.    A guy called me on Saturday early morning and was pretty vague:
Is it SFD to-day? I said yes and when he came in hours later, this was
quite challenging:

a.    He had UBUNTU 16.04.1 LTS (64bits) installed and had no Wi-Fi

b.    He was trying to use his Phone to do tethering with UBUNTU

c.    No driver found/installed

d.    Running on battery, so time was of essence

I took that case on. After reading some forums etc. I found a guide on and by applying the procedure, ndiswrapper et al, I
got his laptop working. He did explain that he had a few machines, so
burnt a key for him and showed him how to installl openSUSE Leap 42.2

9.    There is an association for Rouen area who deals with repairing
gear for the public, free of charge. They had a guy to visit us. He
would like to install openSUSE on machines that they would repair.
Then the people could come to us for help…. As they repair not only
computers but also washing machines, dish washers, kettles, electric
irons, radio, hifi, I said why not!

10.  Then the usual curious people, casual visitors, those who know
Linux, those who use other distributions and want to nag us, those who
do not have a clue, those who we sort of babysit while their wives  go
to do shopping. On and off, we had at cruise level not more than 28
people at a time, that we were 5 to handle.

We had a lot of fun! Next one for the year 2016: 17th December.
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