Hi Vinz,

My name is Dimitar and together with few other enthusiasts we are running openSUSE info booths on various events. Currently we cover Bulgaria, Albania, and Serbia (in fact, tomorrow we are traveling to Serbia for BalCCon2k18).

I think it would be nice to have such a piece of hardware with us, to be showing it in combination with openSUSE. Because we are not located geographically close, and we speak about multiple events, sending the laptop each time wouldn't be an option I suppose. Do you consider other, long term, options as well? Perhaps a kind of sponsorship, rental, preferential price, and etc.


On 9/12/18 3:39 PM, Vinzenz Vietzke wrote:
Does anyone know who will be running the booth?

Hey Vinz,

That'd be me :D

cool! I'm keeping this topic on-list so that other people running booths
somewhere get the info as well.

As said, we'll bring a laptop running oS. How is your booth equipped? Do
you also want to have a demo laptop with openSUSE?

I could also send it to you a few days before the Linuxday if you want
to play around with it a bit. :)


Dimitar Zahariev
OSS Enthusiast | openSUSE Advocate | VMUG Bulgaria Co-Leader
T: +359 899 605 664

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