Well, yes.

But then - shouldn't that simply mean that an article which needs such a
disclaimer is not suitable for news.o.o?

Criteria 3 - Article informs readers of the efforts of an
project/s and how they relate explicitly to the openSUSE Project,
community and users.

Criteria 4 - Is an official package in the distribution, an
openSUSE distribution or a project within the openSUSE Project.

Criteria 5 - Provides a "how to use" or "tutorial" about on an
official package within the openSUSE distribution.
To sum it up:
- I'm not a fan of turning news.o.o into a magazine
- If you really want to do that, please ask a wider audience for
their opinion, for example on opensuse-project
- The Criteria will need quite some improvements to make them
    troll-proof ;-)
Seeing that this doesn't appear to be going down a path for criteria,
how about we switch it and express it that if your article would meet
criteria 1, 2, etc, we recommend to use another avenue (i.e. - mailing
lists, planet, others) rather than use news.o.o.
(BTW: Which criteria did you mean with "etc"?)
Just meant to list the criteria is all. Nothing more meant about etc other than listing them all.

Criteria 3 and 5 could be considered acceptable for news.o.o.
I still don't like this idea, for the reasons explained in my previous

And if you still really want to turn news.o.o into a magazine, I'd
recommend to make Criteria 4 a hard condition.
So this is probably what we could list in the read me file.

news.opensuse.org is meant for the publishing of official news about the openSUSE Project and it distributions. Only articles about official packages in the distribution should be published.

Articles written to increase awareness of a package and the advertising of home repositories is discouraged and may be subject to the removal of the article.

We advise that information that fits the following circumstances be published on the author's blogs, on an email list or other appropriate communication channel and not published on news.opensuse.org:

Information about a call to action for the community

Information about an open-source project, its community and users

"How to use" or "tutorials" about packages (official or unofficial)



Christian Boltz

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