On 2007-07-24 14:12:22 +0200, Johannes Meixner wrote:
> On Jul 24 12:47 Lars Vogdt wrote (shortened):
> > http://en.opensuse.org/Licenses
> The plain
>   Requires: licenses
> can cause invalid licenses when another version of the package
> (with different licenses) is installed but the licenses package
> is not upgraded accordingly.
> I am speaking about the run-time system, not the build-time system.
> But even a strict
>   Requires: licenses = 1.2.3
> where 1.2.3 is the exact version of the licenses package which
> was used during build-time may cause problems:
> Assume there are two packages foo and bar which both use the
> license batz in licenses 1.2.3 but then license batz is upgraded
> and also package foo is upgraded (using the upgraded license batz
> in licenses 1.2.4).
> Then there would have to be licenses 1.2.3 (for package bar)
> and licenses 1.2.4 (for upgraded package foo) installed.

as the symlink points to filenames which is the md5sum of the license
itself. i think this is not an issue.


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