Suggested package updates:

Name       Current New    Repos
python-qt4 4.3     4.3.3  standard, devel:languages:python
python-sip 4.7     4.7.3  standard, devel:languages:python
eric       4.0.1   4.0.3  standard
gajim      0.11.1  0.11.4 server:messaging
gpsd       2.34    2.35   Application:Geo
lyx        1.5.1   1.5.2  standard, KDE:Backports
ntfsprogs  1.13    2.0.0  standard, filesystems

Which mailing list is best for reporting outdated packages?
Where can I know why some packages are in more than one repo?
Why standard repo is so poor and I have to use gazillion of BS repos?

Krzysztof Kotlenga <piernik$gmail,com>
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