Michael Schroeder wrote:
On Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 09:27:32AM -0800, Dan Stromberg wrote:
Thanks folks, this is really informative.

One of our rpm's needs (sort of :) to be able to replace some files in /etc. Rather than have two rpm's owning the same files, I chose (based on input from this list) to make this rpm put the files in /susev3_etc, and then have a %post copy the files from /susev3_etc to /etc. This was done because having two rpm's owning the same file yields undefined behavior.

Hmm, IMHO it's not undefined but "last one wins". And having the
filed shared in rpm seems to be the cleanest solution to me.
Last one removed wins, or last one still on the system wins?

Whether there's undefined behavior or not, needing to specify --replacefiles was not ideal.
What file in /etc are you talking about?
bash.bashrc, inittab, ssh config files, ntp.conf, securetty, security/limits.conf, sysctl.conf, sudoers, perhaps others. Needless to say, we don't want bad things to happen to these files.

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