On 2017 M06 28, Wed 17:15:10 CEST Marcus Rückert wrote:
> I really hope that having to call a binary with a slightly different
> name is something that the average developer can do.

Developers certainly can do that once they noticed that they have to. It still 
is annoying when you have to type more than necessary and if you have to 
change instructions and scripts you find elsewhere.

I understand the versioning from a packaging perspective, but from a user's 
perspective it doesn't provide the best experience. I would prefer if we had a 
great out-of-the-box experience for Ruby on openSUSE which follows the 
conventions everybody else is using.

> And as i said this only affects a few very core binaries. all our
> rubygem rpms are using update-alternatives.

Which doesn't feel to be very consistent.

> > > As Josef pointed out already do not change the system ruby.
> > 
> > Might it be possible to make YaST use a versioned version of Ruby, so
> > that the system Ruby would be a bit more flexible?
> Sure. Will you and your team help with the work and the maintenance
> to keep it working in the long run?

If YaST would rely on the specific version it is tested with and not use the 
default "ruby" executable it would not change the maintenance effort, would 
it? Wouldn't this even make things easier as there are more specific 
dependencies and less chance of breakage through unrelated changes in the 

Cornelius Schumacher <csc...@suse.de>
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