Hello Duncan,

> Depends on what your goal is and what your view on those
> dependencies are.
> If you want to get it into the distro, that is probably the right
> strategy, but it will bring lot of maintenance with it, as people
> will update gems and break your package.

My goal is to get it into the distro, to make it as easy as possible
for others to install. Inspired by
https://ourobengr.com/2013/10/tied-to-the-rails/ I made a patch to use
the gem and require functions directly instead of using Bundler. I do
know what you mean about updated gems breaking things however. I
recently discovered that the versions of Reform and Reform::Rails I
had packaged were too new and caused subtle problems.

On the other hand, if I followed exactly what was in the Gemfile.lock,
I would (still!) be missing the nice fix for a race condition that was
added in delayed_cron_job 0.7.3. The Reform libraries also happen to
be ones for which OpenProject loads overrides in config/initializers.
If I keep to a single major version number (i.e. major.minor.bugfix)
for all the "normal" libraries that aren't special cases like Reform,
would you say that's a happy medium in terms of stability? Basically
I've been putting something like "~> 2.5" instead of "~> 2.5.0" in my
calls to the gem function.

> If your goal is just to run it on a openSUSE system, you may also
> look into the bundle_gems service
> (https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-service-bundle_gems), which would
> put all the dependencies inside the rpm of your Rails application.
> You can see software.opensuse.org spec file and _service to learn
> how it is used:
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:infrastructure:software.opensuse.org/software_opensuse_org

Thanks for the pointer! Even if I'm not using Bundler, that specfile
answers a few questions I had about best practices, like how to
package the Apache vhost template.

Any input on the Node dependencies dilemma I mentioned? Is it OK to
use a "dependency pack" for that?

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