On 5/25/06, jdd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
to help in translating the stable version table, I made this


to be used like this


Hopefully it will not be broken by next version, but anyway
it's easier to edit a template than the page itself.

also we should have some way to have these tables sometime
in advance for translation purpose, thanks

this table is pretty difficult to translate. In fact it's
nearly impossible to just edit the translated one when a
modif is done on the english one.

I tried to make an other way template (like a po file), but
this was pretty difficult, and may not work for non european
langages. any idea welcome :-)

I had my own ideas on this table. My version is here:

I am not 100% sure yet how mine works in all browsers. It is of course
essential that a download page works in 100% of browsers (including
text based ones).

Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin

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