On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 01:43:15PM +0200, jdd wrote:
> yes. but the only table we are speaking about is the front 
> page table and is only used for the central part and the 
> right news column one see only on the front page.

That is for now and it is not just one page, it is one page for each
language for now. The moment you want to change the frontpage, you need to
change each language. If future pages want to use a similar layout, you
need to change those as well.

> and, for example, translating from english to french gives 
> often longer sentences that don't fit well is the small 
> prensent width, so it may be better to have a slightly 
> larger news column in french than in englis. It's not 
> (easily) possible with css, but very easy with tables.

That will break the consistency of the website, exactly the thing I want
to avoid.

Even then an inline css can(will?) overrule the pre-designed css file.
Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done,
and why. Then do it.
        -- Heinlein : Time Enough For Love

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