On Tuesday 12 June 2007 08:58, jdd wrote:

> PmWiki triad skin have a switch for visually impaired people

That would be idea too. Second skin for such cases. 

The problem with left column appear: 
- In Konqueror after first step [1]. 
It just one size below default on this computer. The font size is set to be 
similar to Firefox. To be honest 3rd step is still readable, but 
uncomfortable small. 
- In Firefox after 2 steps. 
The Firefox is on installation default, and here i can go far below readable. 

I'll try to look for some examples on the web to see what they do. 

Playing with font size decrease I found that if font is on minimum size in 
Konqueror and I continue pressing keys [1], font of course will not change, 
but when I want to revert to bigger fonts I have to press 3 times before I 
see first change :-) 
I know that this is not a wiki skin problem, but I hope that someone form KDE 
team has advice what to do. 

[1] The step is Ctrl-<Minus on numeric pad>. 

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