On Sunday 11 November 2007 09:52:32 am Sven Burmeister wrote:
> Hello!
> Please perform the following experiment:
> Take somebody you know and never has been to www.opensuse.org before. Tell
> him to find help/support on that site. Stop the time until the user finds
> the links to help/support. My guess: it takes ages to even get to the page
> where one could find it because the frontpage does not even mention
> support/help and wiki is not a synonym for those words.
> Take the same person and stop the time until he finds help/support on
> www.ubuntu.com.
> Compare both sites' performance.
> Tell that person that one has to click on wiki, stop the time until the
> person finds help/support on the following page. My guess: it takes ages
> because help is only mentioned once and as a tiny, tiny link and that link
> does not even link to helo/support but to download-help.

It is interesting mental experiment, where you came to common sense 
conclusion. I agree that for visitor that want to see what is openSUSE about 
and what kind of support is offered it will be hard to find any link with 
words help or support. 

> Sorry to be that sarcastic, but one could think that opensuse.org
> maintainers do not expect a lot of users to come to this site looking for
> help.

The ideas about organization come from all maintainers, and there I can see 
one person more, you. 

Yes, anyone showing more interest in openSUSE wiki, like you right now is 
maintainer. Though, Novell has responsibility to keep content on their 
servers within legal limits. To ensure that they have their employees at 
final stage of implementation. 

> My suggestion, put a big fat icon on the frontpage and the following that
> displays a question-mark and a link below it that states: help/support.

Big fat icon is in style with modern GUI that suffer from too many icons, and 
designers should start thinking about using Chinese or Japanese characters 
instead of icons, at least some people will have easy job to understand 
commands without popups. 

I would vote for a big fat written words "Help and Support". That can be liked 
to page that will offer free and for pay options. 

> In fact help on opensuse.org is artificially split into communicate and
> documentation both not being as straight forward as a simple big icon and
> the two words/help/support.

Well, this is not artificial if you don't think that they are only for help. 
They contain help options, but they are used for other purposes, so they will 

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