Dear All,

On 2/26/19 10:05 PM, Vinzenz Vietzke wrote:
Am Dienstag, 26. Februar 2019, 14:49:57 CET schrieb Liam Proven:
Any IRC client offers a subset of the functionality of Pidgin, which is
a perfectly good IRC client and has been my go-to one since I stopped
using Win 9x. So if the base install should include a chat client, which
I would say it should, then Pidgin is the most capable chat client in
the openSUSE repos, AFAIK.
My impression was that Hexchat is out of discussion. That's why I said I'd
vote for keeping both.
If that's not the case then you're right, of course, installing both is a
useless duplication.


Please see SR:

Pidgin will remain in the Xfce Pattern for now.

Thanks a lot to those who shared feedbacks in this ML and chat.


Maurizio Galli (MauG)
Xfce Team

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