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Carl Hartung wrote:
> On Monday 12 September 2005 08:37, houghi wrote:
> <snip>
>> This is getting very confusing. I personally like the Yast Repositories
>> better an easier to use:
>> http://www.opensuse.org/Additional_YaST_Package_Repositories
> It /is/ confusing to me sometimes, too, so don't feel bad. The way I've 
> organized it in my head and on on my systems is YaST handles "official" SUSE 
> packages, including the unsupported supplementary sources and security 
> updates, and I use apt/synaptic to handle everything else.

Ok, as this topic is poping up quite often, let me give some background on all 

YaST2 installs packages from YaST2 metadata repositories. It's as simple as 
that ;)
Those are called "installation sources" in the YaST2 jargon.

That "metadata" comprises data for every package that's provided, such as:
- - package name, version and release number, what architecture
- - summary and description
- - dependencies to other packages
- - what it provides to other packages

Novell provides installation sources for 10.0:
(those are from the uni-erlangen mirror, the primary source being ftp.gwdg.de)

Those are the "official", supported installation sources for SUSE Linux, that 
include the packages
that are shipped within the SUSE Linux distribution (except for the 
"inst-source-java" installation
source: it includes packages that are not shipped on the SUSE Linux OSS 
distribution, because
they're not OpenSource, but AFAIK installation of those is also supported by 

The other installation sources are commonly referred to as "3rd party 
repositories", where "3rd
party" means: not made nor maintained nor supported by Novell.
Two examples of these: Packman and my site ("guru") (and there are a few 
others, just to lazy to put
them all in here ;)).

We 3rd party repository maintainers have several options on how to "offer" our 
packages to
everyone's use:
- - http/ftp download:
Download the files yourself, and install them e.g. with the rpm command-line 
("rpm -i ...").
We all have that but it's not the best option as you have to solve the 
dependency issues yourself.

- - YaST2 repository metadata:
SUSE includes a few scripts to generate and maintain it (although it's not the 
simplest metadata
format to handle, let's hope for/make better tools).

- - APT repository metadata:
To be used by the RPM port of APT (commonly referred to as "apt4rpm" although 
that's not correct:
"apt4rpm" is the server-side package that includes the tools to generate the 
repository metadata -
the APT client (used to install packages) is "apt" or "apt-get").

- - YUM repository metadata:
YUM is a tool similar to APT that has originally been written by Yellow Dog 
Linux (a distro
specialized on PPC) and which has been adopted by the Fedora Core project as 
their primary package
installation frontend.

- - RedCarpet repository metadata:
Red Carpet is a package management frontend developed by Ximian (now Novell as 
they have been bought
by the latter).

All of these package installation frontends have different repository metadata 
formats, which means
that if I, as a 3rd party repository manager, want to give the users the choice 
of the frontend they
want to use, I have to generate the metadata for all of them.
And that's what part of us actually do (except for YUM).
Note that for the package repositories hosted at ftp.gwdg.de (and that's most 
of them), Eberhart
Moenke does the hard work as he is generating the metadata over there.
For YaST2 and RedCarpet, we are generating it ourselves (at least the Packman 
team and I do so).

BTW, I call these (yast2, apt, yum, red carpet) "frontends" because that's what 
they are. Not in a
sense of being GUIs(*) or CLIs(**), but because in the end, they all use RPM to 
actually install (or
remove, or upgrade) the packages.

(*) Graphical User Interface
(**) Command-Line Interface

The benefit of that approach is that never mind which frontend you use, or even 
if you mix them, it
all works just fine because RPM is doing the low-level stuff for all of them.
You don't have separate package databases, it's all RPM.
Note that with "mix", I mean once installing a package with "rpm -i", then with 
"apt-get" (or it's
GUI "synaptic"), the next one with YaST2 (or y2pmsh), and eventually the other 
one with Red Carpet
(or its CLI frontend "rug").

It all works. So, in the end, it's a matter of choosing the frontend you prefer.
And, obviously, if you have 3rd party package repositories that you like to 
use, make sure you
choose a frontend those repositories have metadata for.

>> How are these related? Is the above the same as Guru, or are there
>> differences?

It's the URL to the YaST2 metadata ("installation source") but it's the same 
list of packages than
if you were using http+rpm from http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser, or apt-get, or 
Red Carpet.

It's a single set of packages but with various metadata formats for the various 
RPM frontends.
Unfortunately they don't all share the same metadata format, but that's how 
things are (and they're
extremely unlikely to change ;)).

>> In apt there are other suser-* things as well. Can they be used as
>> external Yast repositories or not?

No, not those, because no YaST2 metadata is provided for/by them.
They're only available through APT, because Eberhart Moenkeberg is such a nice 
guy and he spends
much time into having the APT metadata generated on ftp.gwdg.de (most of you 
don't know yet what
Ebarhart is doing for you ;)).

I know he and Richard Bos are also working on providing YUM metadata, but AFAIC 
it's not ready yet
and as Eberhart is also the maintainer of the primary openSUSE mirror 
(ftp.gwdg.de), he
understandably has other priorities at the moment ;))

BTW, Richard Bos also deserves big kudos here, as he is maintaining the APT RPM 
port SUSE Linux
packages. He'll have to bother a lot less with that now, as Novell has finally 
accepted to include
the apt and apt4rpm packages into 10.0 (thanks!). Note that yum is included in 
10.0 as well.

> I can't answer this because I still "cherry pick" rpms at Guru's site and 
> install them manually. I do this for most of the "suser-" sources. There are 
> a lot of warnings in the apt documentation and scripts about avoiding 
> "experimental" and "development" level packages which, purportedly, are 
> maintained in several of the 'suser-' sources; warnings to the effect that 
> average non-programmer / non-tinkerer users ought not include those sources 
> lest they end up 'breaking' their systems.

Well, there are a few issues we as 3rd party packagers have to solve.
For a short summary of a part of those, read the bottom of one of my previous 
postings on this list:

> YaST and apt are two interfaces into the same package management system 
> (rpm), 


> but I think (could be wrong) the staging of the packages, server-side, is 
> different between the two. I think YaST recognizes and will use a YaST source 
> and, likewise, apt it's own repositories, but I don't think the two are 
> seamlessly interchangeable.

Exactly. They're not interchangeable.
YaST2 is also able to use YUM repository metadata since 10.0, so that might be 
an option to simplify
the job of the 3rd party repository providers.

I hope all of this helps understanding.

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v ===> FOSDEM 2006 -- February 2006 in Brussels <===
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)


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