Michael Loeffler wrote:

We will offer a SUSE Linux 10.0 for free downlaod (from October 6th on) under Released Version. This is a subset of the retail box and comes with propietary software and will be very close to the goal beeing the most easily usable Linux out there. Under the same section SUSE Linux 10.0 OSS is offered as well.This two versions receive bugfixes via YOU. So we offer choice and everybody should find the version suitable for him

looks like this add a level of complexity :-(

what will be the difference between SUSE Linux 10.0 downloadable and SUSE LInux OSS 10.0 also downloadable ? I guess proprietary free software like acrobat or java?

so there will be three downloadable versions, with the 10.1 alpha added to the boxed version. quite a lot.

I think it would be far more simple to have only a "non OSS" ftp repository


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