Interesting idea but Windows is not Linux .. but then this could also work .
People know Windows & know people to help them if they have problems .. Windows 
is fast .. reliable (XP with firewall is absolutly fine).. is supported so why 
switch .. if it aint broke why try to fix it .. by going into an unknown & 
complicated (yes its not complicated .. but I wont go through all these things 
... this will not be a flaming war) terretory.
So at the moment .. people switch to Linux when they are really sick of 
Windows... they need to .. are in contact with Linux cause of work & there know 
it CAN (can not does ... driver probs et cetera) work ... are very curious ... 
are "server" .. geeks .. have a business interest in it ... have a Linux system 
which is properly supported (as in propiatry proper support where the end-user 
does not have to be a geek or computer nut(not trying to offend anyone)) .
But for the Joe - Jimmy - Hans  - or whateva average user it doesnt yet make 
enough sense to switch .
With more & more businesses switching their staff to Linux .. driver-providers 
might just properly start supporting Linux as well (hopefully the current Linux 
infrastructure is making this as simple as possible to do) making it easier for 
X - average to switch.
Hiding system/admin entyys in menus is a desktop environment thing ... I think 
GNOME has something coming along that line .. but hiding inappropiare or 
inaccesible items should be done as much as possible oviously as long as it 
makes sense.
Linux is an open-source product .. programs change all the time ... which is 
not the case with Windows.
On a Linux desktop the 3rd party or whateva its called software ... such as 
Real-Player & a Photoshop install etc ... is very limited making it easier for 
Distros to constantly come up with new versions ... nobody needs to figure out 
strange hacks to allow some strange program to still run when the OS is updated 
(okay not completly true .. & my knowledge is quite limited ) .. 
& with Redhat Server or SLES the big products are certified for these OSes ... 
cause they guarantee a certain standard etc. over a certain time.
Fact is open-source doesnt stop changing & developing according to set dates & 
deadlines ... its a million times easier in that way for Microsoft ... but they 
on the other hand must manage to get all the designed for XP progs to work ... 
there will allways be a new version of XYZ - program in the open-source 
I dont think the answer neccessarily can be components ... actually the KLICK 
thing could if everybody stands behind that be very very powerful & influencial 
... as far as I get it ... each package (just like OSX) is completly in its own 
world & has very few (hopefully) dependencies & can also then in itself be very 
optimised ... click & run infrastructure (might add more overhead than 
neccessary ?) for all the big GUI progs & the distro specific stuff would then 
be the base system & system utilities ... I quite like the idea ... very 
similiar then to Windows where there is the base system & everything els eis 
extra .
3rd parties could then just provide such packages to the end-user .
A lot of the sytem could be like building blocks which could be combined to 
give different configurations (server .. desktop .. workstation....etc) ... 
Flexible & predictable hopefully.

Actually I just reread what U wrote .. yeah Im suggesting very much the same I 
think ... there would have to be someone or something which would control the 
Slick & Run infrastructure.
Like the kernel development but in this case for the desktop:-) .

Full-Stop I ve written too much .
Thanx for reading if ye made it this far .


"C.C.Chakkaradeep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,


After using Linux for some 2 years, and trying Linux From 
Scratch(LFS)/Customizing Knoppix,Slackware/Gentoo and other small stuffs, what 
i found is, there is no common STANDARDS followed except for the filesystem & 
directory hierarchy. You can even find each distribution having its own 
directory structure nowadays.Each one is having their own packages.



First and foremost, why SuSE??...well, i think SuSE has given importance in GUI 
and equally comparable with Microsoft Windows for GUI..........


here i think RPM/Debian are becoming the common standard in the linux industry 
and whereever u go, u will find your package either in RPM/Debian.But wait? 
there a SINGLE CLICK install??...yeah i have read about the Klick which SuSE is 
trying out.Thats an amazing thing.


Package everything as components (Componentized Linux - So whatever u consider that forms the base 
system (with dependencies),package it and then give applications as separate 
compenents, so now if u want to un-install the package(here Component), it is 
easy!....and just think over...thats what Windows is doing!...So here the 
dependency problem might not arise and this would get implemeted only if the 
release cycle is planned properly.Ofcourse there has to be some way to update 
the Base System :-).

So,it would be like this, Package the Base Component and Applications 
Components, give it to the user....

System Updation 

i think the above said idea would deal with System updation also....

Menu System

Ok, the menu system right now in Linux is, u group all the applications in 
their Service Groups.This is ok for a linux user but think of the new user, 
they will feel uncomfortable.So i think , there should be some easy to use Menu 
System for a new user so that he is not confused with what all applications 
have been installed and also the administrator menu items should not be 
displayed while a normal user has logged in which would increase the security 
even more!

Well, people might ask me that telling things would not work out and have to do 
something!..yeah here we are a team where we are working with LFS and trying to 
make a distribution exactly as what i discussed above.But till now i havent got 
into any discussion with any forums about these....and am also happy if i can 
try implementing these on SuSE but how??....

with regards,

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