On Tuesday 18 October 2005 19:53, houghi wrote:
> As there is no official statement, I guess the maintainers do not care.
> I can do better things with my life and free time then to just scroll up
> and down on a mailing list.

I don't think that maintainers do not care. If you want to make a better world 
you need to help the world, you need to be more flexible. All those people 
that are top-posting in the end will begin bottom-posting and quoting 
correct, but until then, they need someone to help them.

> Again all the best to y'all and to the topposters: you have won, I am
> gone, no more postings from me. Bet this makes a lot of people happy.

This is the greatest act of stupidity I've seen on this list :-) No offense.

Damian Mihai Liviu
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URL: http://liviudm.blogspot.com

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